FreedroidRPG 1.0 RC3 is out!

After three years, we are excited to present the third and hopefully last release candidate for FreedroidRPG 1.0, which can be downloaded from our website. In other words, the Source tarball, Windows and MacOSX installers are available on

We also now provide AppImages, which are portable builds for Linux you may use if you have fuse installed. RC3 also provides translation updates, tweaks, and fixes. Several finishing touches were also added, such as:

  • You can now scroll the quest log with up/down arrow keys
  • Several tweaks were done to prevent overlap between text and numbers
  • More sound effects were added by pekpek
  • A new soundtrack, which can be heard in Act 2 Factory, also by pekpek.

If you had previously cloned our repository, you should update your remotes to Codeberg. We have decided to stop using GitLab in light of their recent changes. We'll keep GitLab as a read-only mirror for a while, and you may still submit patches directly at our Review Board.

We are also coming soon on Steam: Wishlist the game if you want to do so.

Keep in mind that FreedroidRPG does NOT support savegame sharing. Downloading a savegame from the internet may expose you to malware and viruses. Please treat a foreign savegame as you would treat any other program obtained from the internet, and exert caution.

We want to take this opportunity and call out to testers and translators - we need your help to make the game as polished as possible! Perhaps there are bugs to be found, or translations in need of proofreading by as many eyes as possible. Check out our translations on FreedroidRPG's page on Transifex, show us a bug you found in the wild, try to fix a bug yourself, or just come and talk to us! To make this the best release possible, any help and feedback is appreciated!

We want to thank everyone who helped the game, and without them this project would not be possible. Even a playtest counts!

-The FreedroidRPG Team